Monday, December 3, 2012

lol jk here we go

I've been wanting to create this blog for nearly a year. (Nice of me to attempt last June, huh?) Now, after great encouragement from friends, etc., I am finally putting on my big girl internet pants and getting the ball rolling. My goal isn't so much to obtain "readers" (the thought scares me a little, to be honest), but rather to have an outlet to share my thoughts clearly and completely, without interruption.

I also have a love of writing that seems to have been put on an indefinite back burner while I pursue a career in a related, but much different field. I want an excuse to get back into what was once a great hobby and passion.

I think about religion often. Quite a bit more often than the average person, I would say. There aren't many people who have the time, patience, or interest in listening to me brainstorm and ramble. Luckily, reading is significantly quicker than listening, and the internet has all the time in the world. (I know this because it sucks up mine so frequently.)

And that's all I have to say about that.